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Terra Vista Middle School

Technology » Technology


Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Terra Vista Middle School offers several technology courses that will prepare students for further technology education courses at the high school level.
Frenship Terra Vista Middle SchoolTechnology Applications: This is a great foundation class to create fun projects while becoming familiar with technology. Students will begin the year getting acquainted with the computer, file creating, file saving, cloud storage, digital citizenship, Schoology, and more. The students will spend time focusing on keyboarding skills. By the end of the year, students will be familiar with Microsoft Office Programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher) by creating various projects in these programs. Students will spend several weeks on coding, becoming familiar with different coding languages.
Digital Design: This advanced class is a great opportunity to show creativity and design. It is a good choice for those wanting to dig deeper into the world of technology and graphic design. This is a course that will explore a variety of different graphic design programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. It will also introduce students web design programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver, and video production software like Adobe Premiere Pro. A brief introduction will be given to students in Microsoft Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher).
Broadcast I: Broadcast Media is a class where students get to learn about technology and how to work with cameras, computers and get to learn in a newsroom environment. Students will learn how to shoot and edit video clips and get to run the Tiger Vision News. Students also learn all aspects of what goes into a television newscast, how to operate video equipment, shoot and edit video and audio, as well as learn the proper terminology used in an everyday newsroom.
Broadcast II: Advanced Broadcast Media is a course where students can continue to build upon the concepts learned in Broadcast I. More time will be spent developing Tiger Vision News and filming and producing special events. High school credit may be obtained from this course.
College and Career Readiness: This class is an exploratory course that focuses on an overview of each of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) career clusters. Students will prepare to select a high school endorsement by learning basic skills and planning and investigating specific skills needed to begin a desired career path. This is a great course to get students to start focusing on their future and what courses they will need to take in high school to pursue that career field. This course is a very good transition course into high school, encouraging students to become more involved as a freshman instead of waiting until their sophomore year.