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Terra Vista Middle School

Jana Garrison » Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Grading policy:  GRADING POLICY FOR ART:

Projects will have a rubric to follow.  Students will know how much each part of the project is worth for a grade. 

Students shall be allowed a reasonable opportunity to redo a daily grade for up to a 70 or half credit – whichever produces the best result for the student.

 Students shall be allowed a reasonable opportunity to redo all major grade up to a 70 or half credit – whichever produces the best result for the student.  This could be to add to or complete a project started or make a project in replacement for the assigned project.

Students have the choice to change their project assignment by submitting a copy of the choice project sheet.  Grading will count the same as the project assigned:  If a daily grade, it will be a daily grade and if a project major grade it will replace a major grade.

If a student is absent at the beginning of an assignment, the assignment will be started upon return and have extra time to complete.   If the student misses most or all of the assignment due to an absence, a packet can be completed of drawing and design worksheets to make up the project grade.  For example:  If a clay pot assignment is missed completely, a student will not have the chance to do the clay again later but can create another project to make up for that grade.   If the student only misses part of the time for the clay project, they can work on it (since the clay is still out in the art room).   

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted up to five (5) school days of the original due date. However, grade deductions will be as follows for each of these 5 school days: 1 Day Late: - 5 pts. 2 Days Late: - 10 pts. 3 Days Late: - 15 pts. 4-5 Days Late: - 30 pts.