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Terra Vista Middle School

Frenship ISD Board Planting Seeds of Success

In honor of School Board Recognition Month, Frenship ISD staff and students made a special presentation to their board members Monday night at the January meeting.

On behalf of the district, Director of Public Relations, Andy Penney, expressed appreciation to the board by sharing insight about the combined 48 years of service the board members have devoted to the district and by showing a “thank you” video featuring Frenship students and staff. Penney with Upland Heights art teacher, Cristy Jeter, and her students then presented potted plants to each member as a representation of this year’s theme “Planting Seeds of Success.” The ceramic pots were sculpted by students in David Echols class at Frenship High School. They were then painted blue and gold by students in Jeter’s art class at Upland Heights.

“Remember that the happiest people are not those that are getting, but those that are giving,” said David Miller, Frenship school board member. “I just think that it’s really important to give back to the community and invest your time and efforts, and I’ve chosen the Frenship school to give my time back to.”

In Texas, more than 5.3 million students rely on public schools to help them prepare for the future. They count on the adults in this state to ensure that schools are available, qualified teachers are in place, buildings are safe and resources are provided. It’s a big job to plant the seeds of success in that many students from pre-k and kindergarten to high school juniors and seniors and dual-credit courses.

Fortunately, in every community we have great examples of adults who have already stepped up to make sure that local schools are ready for the inquiring minds of today’s students. In every community in Texas, adults have taken on the responsibility and the hard work of making our schools the best they can be. Trustees are volunteers who donate hours of their time each month to keep the commitment to today’s students.

Help us take a moment to honor the work the Frenship board is doing to plant seeds of success in the students in our community. Join us in celebrating School Board Recognition Month throughout the month of January.
