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Terra Vista Middle School

Fisher, Pierce Assume New Leadership Roles at FISD

Frenship ISD is pleased to announce current Willow Bend principal Dr. LeAnn Fisher Ed.D has been named the district’s new Director of Assessment and Accountability, and current Willow Bend assistant principal Jennifer Pierce has been named the campus’s new principal.

The announcements of both came Monday as the FISD Board of Trustees unanimously accepted the recommendations from district administration.

Fisher is a 15-year veteran of the district and has served in numerous capacities during her time including campus teacher, assistant principal and principal.

“I have had the pleasure of serving Willow Bend and calling it my home for 11 years during my career in education,” Fisher said. “I can honestly say that I could not be more blessed by all those I have encountered.”

Pierce has served as the assistant principal at Willow Bend for the past three years. She is excited to lead the campus in the very near future.

“I am so proud and honored to be Willow Bend’s new principal and so thankful for Dr. Fisher’s wonderful leadership that has allowed me to assume such a tremendous responsibility,” Pierce said. “Willow Bend is a campus with high expectations, excellent instructional staff, and most of all a big heart for kids. I look forward to continued growth with our students, staff and families.”

Both Fisher and Pierce will begin their new roles when the new semester begins in January.
