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Terra Vista Middle School

Retiring Frenship ISD Police Chief Reflects on Service to Frenship

View Chief Bassett's Retirement Party Photos HERE

On February 2, 1987, Roy Bassett walked through the doors of the Lubbock Police Academy – a decision that would shape the next 38 years of his life. On that day, as a recruit in LPD Class 87-A, Bassett embarked on his law enforcement journey, a path that led him through every department within LPD.

From a juvenile crimes detective to a Lieutenant in Patrol, Administration, and Internal Affairs to serving as the Public Information Officer and later leading as a Deputy Chief, Bassett faithfully served the Lubbock community for 32 years before retiring from LPD. But his journey was far from over.

In 2019, Bassett once again felt the calling to put on the uniform, this time to serve Frenship families as the Frenship ISD Chief of Police.

“I truly can’t say enough good things about Frenship,” said Bassett. “From day one I began to see what a special place this is and the things that make it special. At every opportunity to meet someone, I was welcomed to Frenship and a sincere, ‘Please let me know if I can help you with anything’. Right off the bat I was introduced to ‘The Frenship Way’ and shown that it’s not just a cliche. That’s how things are done here.”

Bassett hit the ground running and quickly began shaping the Frenship Police Department to keep up with the changing demands of school policing and Frenship ISD’s growth. During the last six years, Bassett, with the support of Frenship ISD administration and the Board of Trustees, has doubled the police department from just nine sworn officers in 2019 to now 18 in 2025. In addition to having a sworn officer on every campus, he has also helped upgrade equipment and ensured annual trainings for the officers to hone their skills and knowledge.

“The ‘school cop’ stigma is gradually becoming less pervasive and it’s officers like we have at Frenship PD that are ushering it out,” said Bassett. “These are not school cops. They are dedicated professionals who are excellent in their jobs but have chosen to be part of protecting some of the most important members of our society – students and the teachers that educate them. They know you can’t learn if you don’t feel safe. They work hard to make sure everyone feels safe.”

Over the last six years, Bassett says the department has turned into a family, a close-knit community who truly cares about serving the Frenship staff and students. To them, it’s more than just a job.

“I can’t say enough good things about the officers. They are so dedicated to the department, the district, and the KIDS! Police officers like to keep up this gruff exterior, but you can see how much these men and women genuinely care for the kids and the staff they are here to protect,” he said.

In just a short time, Bassett’s leadership undoubtedly made a mark on Frenship ISD, creating a thriving and successful police department with officers and security guards who are passionate about serving. Now, his journey that started on February 2, 1987, is coming to an end on February 3, 2025, exactly 38 years and one day since he stepped foot in the LPD Academy as a recruit. As he looks back on his career, Bassett says he is incredibly thankful for the opportunity to serve Frenship.

“I would be remiss if I didn’t say how profoundly grateful I am to Dr. McCord and to the school board for affording me this opportunity. I will forever be grateful for the trust they placed in me to lead this department and for allowing me to be part of this district,” he said. “Being the Frenship ISD Chief of Police has been the honor of a lifetime and the absolute highlight of my law enforcement career. Everyone should be so lucky as to be able to say, ‘The last years of my career were the best years of my career.’ I am blessed beyond measure and eternally grateful.”

Bassett says he plans to enjoy the retired life with his wife Jennifer. He foresees a lot of traveling to see their children and grandchildren who are spread out across the Austin, San Antonio, and Houston areas.

Thank you, Chief, for you dedication and the legacy you have left at Frenship ISD!
