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Terra Vista Middle School

Talking with Tigers - Ira Florez on CTE Month

What is Career and Technical Education?

Career and Technical Education includes training that prepares students for high-wage, high skill, and high-demand jobs. CTE programs provide students with academic knowledge, technical skills, and work-based learning experiences needed to succeed in the workplace. Through hands-on learning, CTE coursework, and lab-based learning experiences, students gain real world experiences that will prepare them for college, careers, and life. 

What types of CTE Programs does Frenship ISD provide? 

Frenship ISD currently offers 26 state approved programs of study with over 90 CTE courses aligned to labor market data. CTE courses also include seven science course credits, three math course credits, one fine arts course credit, and one advanced placement course credit. Students can earn articulated and dual credit through certain courses within our programs of study. Students also have the opportunity to earn Industry-Based Certifications at no cost. Our programs are designed for students to learn by utilizing equipment and facilities that meet industry standards.  

Programs include: 

  • Agriculture: Animal Science, Plant Science, Ag Fabrication    
  • Construction Technology 
  • Plumbing 
  • Interior Design  
  • Media Production 
  • Commercial Photography 
  • Business, Accounting, and Marketing 
  • Education and Training  
  • Health Science: Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician 
  • Culinary Arts 
  • Mentor Program 
  • Computer Science  
  • Law Enforcement  
  • Engineering  
  • Robotics 
  • Automotive 

How many students participate in CTE programs at the middle school and high school level? 

In Frenship ISD, over 2,700+ students (grades 7-12) participate in 90 CTE courses that help them explore career options and develop occupational skills. In addition to the high school and middle school courses, Frenship elementary students are exposed to potential careers through career and college days. 

How are these programs preparing Frenship students for life after high school? 

CTE programs prepare students for their future by equipping them with valuable job ready learning experiences for college and career-bound students. Students can earn industry-based certifications that will make them more marketable entering the workforce and will lead to a high-wage job upon graduation. They also have the opportunity to get involved in CTE student organizations where they learn problem solving skills, leadership skills, and teamwork. CTE helps all students discover their passion and prepare for a bright future!  

How do community partnership factor into the success of our CTE programs? 

Community members along with business and industry partnerships play a vital role in the development and growth of CTE programs. We strive to meet community needs and to build a pipeline for our local workforce. We appreciate our CTE Business and Industry Advisory Committees who help students learn about the variety of career opportunities within respective industries through internships, classroom presentations and demonstrations, and industry tours. 

What's next for Frenship's CTE Program? Will there be new courses added?

We are seeing growth within our CTE programs and are excited to add new courses for the 2023-2024 school year based on student interest.  

New courses coming soon:

  • Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management 
  • Plumbing II  
  • Principles of Construction 
  • Interior Design II 
  • Commercial Photography ll and Lab 
  • Graphic Design and Illustration l (New Pathway) 
  • Computer Science Principles AP 