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Terra Vista Middle School

Terra Vista Middle School Hosts Family Game Night

Terra Vista Middle School Principal Cale Bridges said that each year TVMS hosts a Title I meeting. This year he wanted to put an exciting twist on it.

"We wanted host our annual Title I meeting in a fun way that would build genuine community with our TVMS families," Bridges said. "This also seemed like an engaging way to celebrate National Parental Involvement Day."

Bridges said the ultimate goal of Family Game Night was for the TVMS community to learn more about the different ways TVMS is striving to serve each student.

"We had a great turnout," Bridges said. "We had a huge food spread by Aramark. We had music, board games, parents signed an involvement pledge, and families could win a lot of prizes that encouraged providing a personal learning space at home."

Bridges said he hopes to continue TVMS Family Game night throughout the school year and hopes it grows to be bigger and better!

"This really was a fun experience that we plan to build each year," Bridges said. "It felt like a large family. We appreciate all who were able to help start this tradition. We are looking forward to hosting another event in the Spring based on some of the great ideas we received from our parents who enjoyed the first annual TVMS Family Game Night with us!"

