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Terra Vista Middle School

Frenship High School National Honor Society Hosts Trunk-or-Treat Event

Frenship National Honor Society sponsor Victoria Bacon said that members of the National Honor Society (NHS) collected over 500 bags of candy over the month of October for this event.

"NHS invited all other student organizations to prepare trunks, games or other activities," Bacon said. "Frenship High School was represented by FFA, Speech and Debate, Spanish Club, LEOS, STUCO, athletics, and many more. For the first time, our Dungeons and Dragons club participated and was a real hit."

Bacon expressed how grateful her students were to be able to host the event again.

"Since Trunk or Treat was not held last year, turn out for the event was spectacular," Bacon said. "We estimated over 1,000 children were served, with the line extending around the high school. The event, scheduled for 2 hours, lasted an additional hour to serve all who came."

 Bacon said that NHS is an organization that focuses on volunteering for the community and serving others.

“I am super proud of the way our high school students conducted themselves during our Trunk or Treat,” said Bacon. “Everyone was super kind and attentive to every child. They went out of their way to make each kid feel special. NHS is proud to sponsor this school and district wide event. It’s a great way for us to serve our community.”
