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Terra Vista Middle School

2020-2021 Frenship ISD Calendar Draft Survey

Frenship ISD is seeking the community's input during the creation of the 2020-2021 district calendar. During the process of creating a calendar, school districts must follow the following guidelines:

Texas Education Code 25.081 and Board Policy EB (Legal) state each school year, a district shall operate for at least 75,600 minutes, including time allocated for instruction, intermissions, and recesses for students. All campuses at Frenship operate on a 450-minute daily schedule.

Texas Education Code 21.401, and Board Policy DC (Legal) state a contract between a district and an educator must be for a minimum of ten months of service. An educator employed under a ten-month contract must provide a minimum of 187 days of service.

Frenship ISD has created two 2020-2021 calendar drafts that include the required instructional minutes for students and minimum days of service for teachers. Click each draft to view the full calendars. 
We encourage Frenship parents and staff to take a look at the drafts and fill out this survey to provide feedback to the District. The survey will close on Wednesday, January 22nd. 
We appreciate your assistance during this process.