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Frenship ISD Celebrates School Board Appreciation Month

Frenship Independent School District will join 1,025 school districts throughout Texas to celebrate January as School Board Recognition Month. The Frenship ISD Board of Trustees has seven ambitious and gifted professionals who emphasize the shared beliefs and expectations of our community in determining the District's effectiveness. 
"Our Board advocates for our students and our staff while engaging the community in cultivating an understanding of the positive impact that producing learners who emerge as empowered, equipped and diverse leaders plays in a thriving community," said Superintendent, Dr. Michelle McCord. "I get to serve alongside seven extraordinarily talented and humble leaders."
Serving as a link between the community and classroom, Frenship's School Board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for Frenship ISD. With more than 48 years of collective experience between the Board of Trustees, evidence of a commitment to ethics is easy to view and is first and foremost in each of the Trustee's thoughts and actions. 
"The Frenship ISD School Board has the reputation of strong, thoughtful and consistent leadership that is aligned with the community's values," said McCord. "They honor the past to provide momentum for the future. They lead with humility, sincerity, clarity and conviction."
Recently, the Frenship ISD Board of Trustees was listed in the Top Five School Boards in the State of Texas by the 2019 Texas Association of School Administrators School Board Awards. The committee was impressed that the Frenship ISD Board's commitment to the District's vision and beliefs has built a culture of support for students, teachers, staff and the community. 
Board members serving Frenship ISD are listed below:
  • Brad Draper, President - serving since May 2004
  • David Miller, Vice President - serving since May 2006
  • Kyle Rogers, Secretary - serving since November 2011
  • Brandon Autrey, Member - serving since January 2018
  • Mikella Newsom, Member - serving since May 2018
  • Jamey Phillips, Member - serving since December 2015
  • Greg Robinson, Member - serving since November 2013
Thank you to our School Board for their dedication to Frenship ISD and their exemplary leadership. 