"We were originally approached to complete the letter-writing campaign where students wrote letters of gratitude to the Veterans to read on their flight to Washington," said Joseph Sledge, Social Studies teacher at TVMS. "It is important for us to demonstrate patriotism for the students. We are glad to continue it, as the students are able to gain perspective on how these simple acts of kindness are able to reach outside the school."
Although the flight carrying the heroes was delayed for more than an hour, several students stayed until almost midnight to welcome them home.
"I feel like this year's project was even more of an impact," said Sledge, "as the students that were able to stay were able to see the veterans as they came in and saw the welcome home ceremony."
Ms. Garrison's Art students were excited to make the posters. "They worked hard because they felt it was important to make them feel honored," said Garrison.
Charlie Pitner, a student who was able to participate in the Honor Flight Welcome Home Parade said, "It was an overwhelming experience that I think every teenager should experience just once."